
How to dress in the mountains: Layers are the secret!

One of the main problems that must be faced when practicing mountain activities is undoubtedly clothing. In this context, in fact, temperatures can be very variable and there is the risk of wearing clothes that are sometimes too warm, others excessively light, also due to the physical effort to which they are subjected. So when you do outdoor activities, layered clothing becomes the smartest way to manage thermoregulation. This strategy allows you to perfectly adjust the comfort of your body, adding or...

How to choose travel clothing

One of the questions we all ask ourselves every time, before leaving for a trip, is this: "What should I wear?" Or: "How many clothes should I bring?" In light of these premises and the mix of experiences that we all share, for better or worse, preparing your suitcase for a great trip may seem like a difficult task; nevertheless, when the baggage becomes intelligent the stress you have always experienced turns into a distant memory. When traveling, especially if you go...

Snowshoes: complete guide to choice and use

Snowshoes have now become very popular among the recreational and sports activities that can be practiced in the mountains; in the most dialectal jargon they are also called Ciaspole in Italian. If you have never practiced this sport, you may legitimately ask yourself: why go with snowshoes? To begin with, it is a way to stay in shape, even when the snow falls and it can seem difficult to do sports outdoors; Snowshoeing is excellent aerobic exercise and allows you to extend...


As and from this season, mello's is strengthening its presence in the field of sports climbing by partnering up with an association engaged for some years now in promoting the sport above all among young people. Starting with the Italian Youth Championships being staged at Arco, the youngsters will be showing off their new uniforms. Good luck to them all.